413_Pigeonhole Principle

Pigeonhole Principle If $n+1$ objects are distributed into $n$ boxes, then at least one box contains two or more of the objects. Proof For each $i\in \set{1, …, n}$, let $a_i = $ number of objects in box $i$. Then, $a_1 + … + a_n = n+1$ Let $a_j = \text{max } a_i$. Then, \begin{align*} n+1 &\leq n\cdot a_j \\ \frac{n+1}{n} &\leq a_j \\ 1 < \frac{n+1}{n} &\leq a_j\\ 1 &< a_j \end{align*} Note that this conclusion doesn’t hole if you have $n$ objects or less. ...

September 15, 2023


Binomial Coefficient and Binomial Identity Pascal’s Triangle \begin{matrix} {0 \choose 0}\\ {1 \choose 0} & {1 \choose 1}\\ {2 \choose 0} & {2 \choose 1} & {2 \choose 2}\\ {3 \choose 0} & {3 \choose 1} & {3 \choose 2} & {3 \choose 3}\\ {4 \choose 0} & {4 \choose 1} & {4 \choose 2} & {4 \choose 3} & {4 \choose 4}\\ .\\ .\\ . \end{matrix} Pascal’s Formula For all integers $n$ and $k$ with $1 \leq k \leq n - 1$, we have: $$ {n \choose k} = {{n-1} \choose k} + {{n-1} \choose {k-1}} $$ ...

September 12, 2023


Definition A combination of a set $S$ is a term usually used to denote an unordered selection of the element of $S$. It is simply a selection of a subset of $S$. $r$-combination = $r$-subset. $n\choose r$ is the number of $r$-subset in the set of size $n$. Theorem For $0 \leq r \leq n$, we have: $$ P(n, r) = r! {n \choose r} \text{ and } {n \choose r} = \frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!} $$ Proof ...

September 8, 2023

Interesting DFA

Deterministic Finite Automaition Definition: $(Q, s, A, \delta)$ $Q$: A set of all the possible state. $s \in Q$ : starting state. The state to start the machine. $A \subseteq Q$: The set of states we accept. Return “good” when we end there. $\delta$: A function $Q \times \Sigma \rightarrow Q$. The set of all transition functions. There is an interesting DFA design question. The question is as follows: Given a bit-string (a string that contains only 0s and 1s), design a DFA that accepts the string if and only if the number represented by the string is divisible by 5. ...

August 30, 2023


Gomory’s Theorem If you move two cells of a $8 \times 8$ chessboard of opposite colors, the remaining cells can be fully domino tiled. Proof Draw a closed path that passes through every square exactly once. (Draw a big C and then draw back and forth horizontally) Choose the two cells to be removed, and the closed path we have will be sperated into two paths. If we lable the close path we chose in the beginning from 1 to 64 in the order we drew it, white cells have odd numbers, and black cells have even numbers (or reversed). ...

August 29, 2023

Some latex tests

Consider a $n \times m$ chessboard… $$ \int{f(x)dx} $$ Since $94 = 4 + 5x$ for some $x \in \mathbb{N}$, my claim is that the first player wins when it chooses $4$ in the beginning. Then, whenever the second player choose $a, x \in\set{1, 2, 3, 4}$, the first player just add it to 5. So choose $5-a$. By doing this, the first player always reaches $10x + 9$ or $10x + 4$ for $x \in \mathbb{N}$. Since $94$ is included, the first player must win. ...

August 28, 2023

My Math 417 review notes

I have had a wonderful summer as I have been able to take Math 417 with Professor Chales Rezk. He is a very very good teacher and I have learnt a lot from him. Thanks! These are the notes I have taken during the course. It includes the greate Theorems, Lemmas and Propositions that we have learnt in the course. Previous Next     / [Downlaod] View the PDF file here.

August 28, 2023

413_basic counting

The four basic counting principle Suppose that a set $S$ is partitioned into pairwise disjoint parts $S_1, S_2, …, S_n$. Addition principle: $$ |S| = |S_1| + |S_2| + … + |S_m| $$ Ex: Path counting: In a $3 \times 3$ grid, if you can move 1 step upward or 1 step to the right. How many ways do we have to move from bottom-left to top-right corner? The idea is to break this problem into smaller problems. Addition principle guarrantees that we can add the numbers together. ...

August 28, 2023

341 Networking Epoll

Previous Next     / [Downlaod] View the PDF file here. Reference UIUC CS341 System Programming Spring 2023 taught by Prof. Lawrence Angrave ...

April 21, 2023

341 Scheduling

Previous Next     / [Downlaod] View the PDF file here. Reference UIUC CS341 System Programming Spring 2023 taught by Prof. Lawrence Angrave ...

April 20, 2023